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Targets Recommended: Histone Methyltransferase DNA Methyltransferase Histone Acetyltransferase Methionine Adenosyltransferase (MAT) LTR Acyltransferase N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase Thrombin


抑制剂 & 化合物




TargetMol 试剂盒



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Cat. No. Product Name Form Specificity Of Inhibition
C0086 Magrose Beads COOH (10-30 μm, Ultra-suspension)

琼脂糖羧基磁珠 (10-30 μm)

CL0150 DNA Methyltransferase/Demethylase inhibitor kit

DNA Methyltransferase/Demethylase inhibitor kit

C0084 Magrose Beads NH2 (10-30 μm, Ultra-suspension)

琼脂糖氨基磁珠 (10-30 μm)

C0111 Magrose Beads NTA-Nickel (Ultra-suspension)

His-tag 蛋白纯化磁珠 NTA-Ni

C0079 Magrose Beads OH (10-30 μm, Ultra-suspension)

琼脂糖羟基磁珠 (10-30 μm)

C0095 Magrose Beads Streptavidin (Ultra-suspension)


CL0061 Histone Methyltransferase inhibitor kit

Histone Methyltransferase inhibitor kit

TargetMol 试剂盒

琼脂糖羧基磁珠 (10-30 μm)
Cat.No: C0086
DNA Methyltransferase/Demethylase inhibitor kit
Cat.No: CL0150
琼脂糖氨基磁珠 (10-30 μm)
Cat.No: C0084
His-tag 蛋白纯化磁珠 NTA-Ni
Cat.No: C0111
琼脂糖羟基磁珠 (10-30 μm)
Cat.No: C0079
Cat.No: C0095
Histone Methyltransferase inhibitor kit
Cat.No: CL0061
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T2562 Eltrombopag


Thrombin Proteases/Proteasome
Eltrombopag (SB-497115-GR) 是一种具有巨核细胞生成刺激活性的口服活性血小板生成素受体激动剂,可结合并刺激血小板血小板生成素受体,用于血小板减少的某些病症研究。
T11563 Histone Acetyltransferase Inhibitor II

Epigenetic Reader Domain; Histone Acetyltransferase Chromatin/Epigenetic
Histone Acetyltransferase Inhibitor II 是一种选择性的细胞渗透性 p300 组蛋白乙酰转移酶抑制剂,IC50值为 5 µM。它在哺乳动物细胞中具有抗乙酰化酶活性,可用于癌症研究。
T5052 Toltrazuril (sulfone)

Toltrazuril sulfone,妥曲珠利砜,Ponazuril

Parasite Microbiology/Virology
Toltrazuril sulfone (Ponazuril) 是 Toltrazuril 的代谢物,是一种抗原生动物剂。它是一种三嗪类抗球虫剂,用于预防家禽球虫病。
T0870 Altrenogest


Estrogen/progestogen Receptor; Progesterone Receptor Endocrinology/Hormones; Others
Altrenogest (Allyltrenbolone) 是一种结构与trenbolone 相关的孕激素,能作用于孕激素受体。
TN7093 N-Caffeoyltryptophan


Sirtuin Chromatin/Epigenetic; DNA Damage/DNA Repair
N-Caffeoyltryptophan (trans-Caffeoyl-L-tryptophan) 是一种潜在的 Sirt 抑制剂,使用咖啡提取物进行筛选。 N-Caffeoyltryptophan 抑制 Sirt2 (IC50; 8.7 μM) 优于 Sirt1 (IC50; 34μM)。
T22981 Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide

MitMAB,Cetrimide,tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide,十四烷基三甲基溴化铵

Dynamin Cytoskeletal Signaling
Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (MitMAB) 是一种具有不对称结构的阳离子表面活性剂,是一种有机结构单元。
T21422 Methylnaltrexone bromide

Relistor,MOA-728,MOA 728,Methylnaltrexone,溴化甲基纳曲酮,MOA728

Opioid Receptor Endocrinology/Hormones; GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
Methylnaltrexone bromide (MOA-728) 是纳曲酮的四元衍生物,是可口服的外周作用 μ 阿片拮抗剂。它穿越血脑屏障的能力有限,可在胃肠道组织中发挥作用。
T6825 Eltrombopag Olamine

Promacta Olamine,Revolade,艾曲泊帕乙醇胺盐,Eltrombopag diethanolamine salt,SB497115,艾曲波帕乙醇胺盐,SB-497115GR

Thrombin Proteases/Proteasome
Eltrombopag Olamine (Eltrombopag diethanolamine salt) 是 Eltrombopag 的口服活性乙醇胺盐,是一种血小板生成素(TPO)受体激动剂,用于血小板减少的某些病症研究。
T77560 Histone acetyltransferase p300 Inhibitor 4c

Carbonic Anhydrase; AChE Metabolism; Neuroscience
Histone acetyltransferase p300 Inhibitor 4c 是2-氨基噻唑衍生物,Histone acetyltransferase p300 Inhibitor 4c 对 hCA I 、hCA II、AChE 和 BChE 具有抑制作用,Ki 值为 0.008 ± 0.001 、 0.124 ± 0.017、0.129 ± 0.030 和 0.083 ± 0.041 μM。
T1241 Altretamine


DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker; DNA Alkylation DNA Damage/DNA Repair
Altretamine (ENT-50852) 是一种具有抗肿瘤活性的烷化剂。
T1061 Toltrazuril

BAY-i 9142,Toltrazurilo,妥曲珠利,Baycox,Toltrazurilum,托曲珠利

Antibiotic; Parasite Microbiology/Virology
Toltrazuril (Toltrazurilo) 是一种抗原虫剂,对球虫亚纲有效。
T9128 N-Desmethyltrimipramine

Others Others
N-Desmethyltrimipramine 是一种生化物质。
T20163 Acetyltrialanine

Acetyltrialanine 是一种二肽化合物,在 Tb+3-胰腺弹性蛋白酶复合物上的两个位点结合,可做为氮源使用。
T0963 Naltrexone hydrochloride

Depade,盐酸纳曲酮,Trexan,Naltrexone HCl,Antaxone

Opioid Receptor Endocrinology/Hormones; GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
Naltrexone hydrochloride (Naltrexone HCl) 是一种合成的 opiate 拮抗剂,用于预防 opiate 成瘾和酗酒的复发。
T15049 Daltroban

BM-13505,SKF 96148

PPAR DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Metabolism
Daltroban (SKF 96148) (BM-13505) 是选择性和特异性的血栓素 A2 (TXA2) 受体拮抗剂。Daltroban 可以增加血管平滑肌细胞内钙。Daltroban 显示对再灌注损伤的保护作用。
T20540 N-Valyltryptophan


Others Others
N-Valyltryptophan (Val-trp) 是蛋白质分解代谢或蛋白质消化的不完全分解产物。
T61037 Glycosyltransferase-IN-1

Glycosyltransferase-IN-1 (compound 5m) 表现出抑菌活性。Glycosyltransferase-IN-1 对甲氧西林敏感性金黄色葡萄球菌、耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌和枯草杆菌的 MIC 值为 6 μg/mL。Glycosyltransferase-IN-1 对大肠杆菌的 MIC 值为 12 μg/mL。Glycosyltransferase-IN-1 是糖基转移酶的有效抑制剂,IC50值为 82.8 μM。

Melatonin Receptor GPCR/G Protein
N-Acetyltryptamine 是视网膜褪黑素受体的部分激动剂,可用于 5-羟色胺 N-乙酰转移酶活性的检测。
T7086 Tris(benzyltriazolylmethyl)amine


Others Others
Tris(benzyltriazolylmethyl)amine (TBTA) 是一种能作为生化工具的配体,可用于标记蛋白质和酶。
T75421 alpha-2,3-Sialyltransferase (PmST3)

alpha-2,3-Sialyltransferase (PmST3) 是一种 β-半乳糖苷透过酶。alpha-2,3-Sialyltransferase (PmST3) 催化唾液酸转移至糖蛋白和糖脂的碳水化合物基团。
T13429 α-2,3-sialyltransferase-IN-1

Lith-O-Asp analog

Others Others
α-2,3-sialyltransferase-IN-1 is a noncompetitive inhibitor of α-2,3-sialyltransferase(IC50 of 6 μM).
T28883 Sultroponium

A118,A-118,A 118

Sultroponium may be used as an anticholinergic agent or antispasmodic.
T72265 Eltrombopag methyl ester

Eltrombopag methyl ester,一种Eltrombopag衍生物,为促血小板生成素(Tpo)受体激动剂,旨在促进血小板生成,用于研究特定类型的血小板减少症。
T75411 beta-1, 3-N-Acetylhexaminyltransferase (LgtA)

Beta-1, 3-N-Acetylhexaminyltransferase (LgtA) 是一种糖基转移酶,在生化研究中常见。该酶主要催化作用为将 N-乙酰葡糖胺从 UDP-GlcNAc 转移到 N-乙酰乳糖胺和乳糖上。
T75415 beta-1,3-Galactosyltransferase (CgtB)

beta-1,3-Galactosyltransferase (CgtB) (GM1-synthase) 为生化研究中常用的酶,负责催化半乳糖分子的加成,以生产含有 GM1-like LOSSIAL 结构的唾液化低脂糖(LOSSIAL)。
T41039 Gel filtration medium G-100

Gel filtration medium G-100, a substance designed for protein purification, enables the separation and purification of proteins through gel filtration.
T20163L Acetyltrialanine acetate

Acetyltrialanine acetate(19245-85-3 Free base)

Others Others
Acetyltrialanine acetate 是鼠伤寒沙门氏菌突变体的氮源。
T79159 Methyl 12-methyltridecanoate

ROS Kinase Tyrosine Kinase/Adaptors
Methyl 12-methyltridecanoate ((R)-betaxolol hydrochloride) 是一种从Brevibacterium casei LS14中提取的生物表面活性剂,能够增强银纳米颗粒在生物体内环境中的兼容性,为其功能化开辟了新途径。
T38602 (E/Z)-Eltrombopag 13C4

(E/Z)-Eltrombopag 13C4,(E/Z)-SB-497115 13C4

(E/Z)-Eltrombopag 13C4 ((E/Z)-SB-497115 13C4) is a mixture complex of E-Eltrombopag and Z-Eltrombopag, with 13C labeled. Z-Eltrombopag is a thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor agonist developed for certain conditions that lead to thrombocytopenia.
T20008 Phenyltrimethylammonium tribromide

NSC87897,NSC 173340,NSC-173340,NSC 87897,NSC-87897

In Organic Synthesis, Phenyltrimethylammonium tribromide is a Versatile Reagent.
T23041 N-Benzylnaltrindole hydrochloride

Others Others
δ2 opioid receptor antagonist
T12169 Naltrindole hydrochloride

Opioid Receptor Endocrinology/Hormones; GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
Naltrindole hydrochloride 是一种选择性的非肽类 δ 阿片受体拮抗剂 (Ki = 0.02 nM)。
T25067 Altromycin G

Altromycin G is a new pluramycin-like antibiotic.
T25062 Altromycin B

Altromycin B is a new pluramycin-like antibiotic.
T30018 Ammonium, (p-trimethylammonio)benzyltrimethyl-, diiodide

Ammonium, (p-trimethylammonio)benzyltrimethyl-, diiodide is a bioactive chemical.
T25061 Altromycin A

Altromycin A is an anticancer agent.
T63738 Purine phosphoribosyltransferase-IN-2

Purine phosphoribosyltransferase-IN-2 是一种有效的恶性疟原虫 (Pf),间日疟原虫 (Pv) 以及布氏锥虫 (Tbr) 6-氧嘌呤磷酸核糖基转移酶 (PRT) 抑制剂,他们的Ki 值分别为 30、20 和 2 nM。
T69773 Emzeltrectinib

Emzeltrectinib 是一种有效的酪氨酸激酶抑制剂,具有抗肿瘤活性。
T71289 9-O-Demethyltrigonostemone

9-O-Demethyltrigonostemone is a natural IDO1 inhibitor, cytotoxic and antiplasmodial agent from the Roots of Strophioblachia fimbricalyx.
T40845 Methylnaltrexone iodide

Naltrexonium methiodide,碘化甲基纳曲酮; 碘甲纳曲酮

Methylnaltrexone iodide, a quaternary derivative of Naltrexone, is an orally active and selective antagonist of the mu-opioid receptor. It acts peripherally in the gastrointestinal tract to antagonize the receptor. Furthermore, Methylnaltrexone iodide exhibits limited permeability across the blood-brain barrier.
T125220 Cyclo[N1'-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propenyl)tryptophyltrypt

Cyclo[N1'-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propenyl)tryptophyltrypt 是一种有用的有机化合物,可用于生命科学领域的相关研究。其产品编号为 T125220,CAS号为 244066-05-5。
T33323 Methionyltryptophan

Met-trp,Methionyl-tryptophan,Methionyl tryptophan

Methionyl-Tryptophan is a dipeptide composed of methionine and tryptophan. It is an incomplete breakdown product of protein digestion or protein catabolism.
T70175 Fadaltran

Fadaltran is an α2-adrenoreceptor antagonist.
T31256 Deacetyltrimepranol


Deacetyltrimepranol also known as Desacetylmetipranolol, is the active metabolite of metipranolol.
T25063 Altromycin C

Altromycin C is a new pluramycin-like antibiotic.
T31798 Flavinyltryptophan

Flavinyltryptophan is a flavinyl peptide.
T31438 Didecanoyltriethylene glycol ester

Triethylene glycol dicaprate

Didecanoyltriethylene glycol ester is a biochemical.
T20885 Acetyltriethyl citrate

Acetyltriethyl citrate is a biochemical.
T20542 Chloroacetyltryptophan

Chloroacetyltryptophan is a bioactive chemical substance.
T29920 Altropane

Altropane is a SPECT imaging agent used for viewing dopamine transporter sites.


Cat.No: T2562
Synonym: SB-497115,SB-497115-GR,艾曲波帕
Target: Thrombin
Histone Acetyltransferase Inhibitor II
Cat.No: T11563
Target: Epigenetic Reader Domain, Histone Acetyltransferase
Toltrazuril (sulfone)
Cat.No: T5052
Synonym: Toltrazuril sulfone,妥曲珠利砜,Ponazuril
Target: Parasite
Cat.No: T0870
Synonym: R2267,RU2267,Allyltrenbolone,A35957,烯丙孕素
Target: Estrogen/progestogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor
Cat.No: TN7093
Synonym: trans-Caffeoyl-L-tryptophan,反式咖啡酰-L-色氨酸
Target: Sirtuin
Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide
Cat.No: T22981
Synonym: MitMAB,Cetrimide,tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide,十四烷基三甲基溴化铵
Target: Dynamin
Methylnaltrexone bromide
Cat.No: T21422
Synonym: Relistor,MOA-728,MOA 728,Methylnaltrexone,溴化甲基纳曲酮,MOA728
Target: Opioid Receptor
Eltrombopag Olamine
Cat.No: T6825
Synonym: Promacta Olamine,Revolade,艾曲泊帕乙醇胺盐,Eltrombopag diethanolamine salt,SB497115,艾曲波帕乙醇胺盐,SB-497115GR
Target: Thrombin
Histone acetyltransferase p300 Inhibitor 4c
Cat.No: T77560
Target: Carbonic Anhydrase, AChE
Cat.No: T1241
Synonym: Hexamethylmelamine,NSC13875,六甲蜜胺,RB-1515,ENT-50852,WR-95704
Target: DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker, DNA Alkylation
Cat.No: T1061
Synonym: BAY-i 9142,Toltrazurilo,妥曲珠利,Baycox,Toltrazurilum,托曲珠利
Target: Antibiotic, Parasite
Cat.No: T9128
Target: Others
Cat.No: T20163
Naltrexone hydrochloride
Cat.No: T0963
Synonym: Depade,盐酸纳曲酮,Trexan,Naltrexone HCl,Antaxone
Target: Opioid Receptor
Cat.No: T15049
Synonym: BM-13505,SKF 96148
Target: PPAR
Cat.No: T20540
Synonym: 二肽-2,Val-trp,L-Valyl-L-tryptophan
Target: Others
Cat.No: T61037
Cat.No: T8600
Target: Melatonin Receptor
Cat.No: T7086
Synonym: 三[(1-苄基-1H-1,2,3-三唑-4-基)甲基]胺,TBTA
Target: Others
alpha-2,3-Sialyltransferase (PmST3)
Cat.No: T75421
Cat.No: T13429
Synonym: Lith-O-Asp analog
Target: Others
Cat.No: T28883
Synonym: A118,A-118,A 118
Eltrombopag methyl ester
Cat.No: T72265
beta-1, 3-N-Acetylhexaminyltransferase (LgtA)
Cat.No: T75411
beta-1,3-Galactosyltransferase (CgtB)
Cat.No: T75415
Gel filtration medium G-100
Cat.No: T41039
Acetyltrialanine acetate
Cat.No: T20163L
Synonym: Acetyltrialanine acetate(19245-85-3 Free base)
Target: Others
Methyl 12-methyltridecanoate
Cat.No: T79159
Target: ROS Kinase
(E/Z)-Eltrombopag 13C4
Cat.No: T38602
Synonym: (E/Z)-Eltrombopag 13C4,(E/Z)-SB-497115 13C4
Phenyltrimethylammonium tribromide
Cat.No: T20008
Synonym: NSC87897,NSC 173340,NSC-173340,NSC 87897,NSC-87897
N-Benzylnaltrindole hydrochloride
Cat.No: T23041
Target: Others
Naltrindole hydrochloride
Cat.No: T12169
Target: Opioid Receptor
Altromycin G
Cat.No: T25067
Altromycin B
Cat.No: T25062
Ammonium, (p-trimethylammonio)benzyltrimethyl-, diiodide
Cat.No: T30018
Altromycin A
Cat.No: T25061
Purine phosphoribosyltransferase-IN-2
Cat.No: T63738
Cat.No: T69773
Cat.No: T71289
Methylnaltrexone iodide
Cat.No: T40845
Synonym: Naltrexonium methiodide,碘化甲基纳曲酮; 碘甲纳曲酮
Cat.No: T125220
Cat.No: T33323
Synonym: Met-trp,Methionyl-tryptophan,Methionyl tryptophan
Cat.No: T70175
Cat.No: T31256
Synonym: Desacetylmetipranolol
Altromycin C
Cat.No: T25063
Cat.No: T31798
Didecanoyltriethylene glycol ester
Cat.No: T31438
Synonym: Triethylene glycol dicaprate
Acetyltriethyl citrate
Cat.No: T20885
Cat.No: T20542
Cat.No: T29920
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T0200 α-Lipoic Acid

Thioctic acid,DL-α-Lipoic acid,(±)-α-Lipoic acid,α-硫辛酸,硫辛酸

Apoptosis; NF-κB; HIV Protease; Mitochondrial Metabolism; Endogenous Metabolite Apoptosis; Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology; NF-κB; Proteases/Proteasome
α-Lipoic Acid (DL-α-Lipoic acid) 是线粒体酶复合物的重要辅助因子,是一种抗氧化剂,可抑制NF-κB 依赖性的HIV-1LTR 活化。它还可诱导内质网应激介导的肝癌细胞凋亡。
TJP2872 Acevaltrate


ATPase; Others Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Others
Acevaltrate (Acevaltratum) 对人小细胞肺癌细胞系 GLC(4) 和人结肠直肠癌细胞系 COLO 320 具有高细胞毒性,IC50 值为 1-6 uM。它抑制大鼠肾和脑半球中 Na+/K+-ATP 酶活性,IC50分别为 22.8 和 42.3 μM。
TN7080 D-altrofurano-heptulose-3


Others Others
D-altrofurano-heptulose-3 (alpha-D-Altro-3-heptulofuranose) 从猕猴桃 (Rupr. & Maxim.) Maxim., 猕猴桃科的根茎中分离得到。
TN3844 Didrovaltrate

Calcium Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Didrovaltrate shows cytotoxic against human cancer cell lines. Didrovaltrate blocks I(Ca-L) in a concentration-dependent manner and probably inhibits I(Ca-L) in its inactive state, which may contribute to its cardiovascular effect.
TN3646 Chlorovaltrate K

Others Others
Chlorovaltrate K shows moderate cytotoxicity against lung adenocarcinoma (A 549), metastatic prostate cancer (PC-3M), colon cancer (HCT-8) and hepatoma (Bel 7402) cell lines with IC50 values of 0.89-9.76 uM.
TN6571 Nb-Feruloyltryptamine

Nb-Feruloyltryptamine 是一种天然产物,可用于生命科学领域的相关研究。其产品编号为 TN6571,CAS号为 53905-13-8。
TN4352 Jatamanvaltrate B

Others Others
Jatamanvaltrate B shows cytotoxicity against lung adenocarcinoma (A549), metastatic prostate cancer (PC-3M), colon cancer (HCT-8),and hepatoma (Bel7402) cell lines.
TN5249 Volvaltrate B

Others Others
Volvaltrate B shows cytotoxic activity against the lung adenocarcinoma (A549), metastatic prostate cancer (PC-3M), colon cancer (HCT-8), and hepatoma (Bel7402) cell lines, with IC50 values of 8.5, 2.0, 3.2, and 6.1 uM, respectively.
TN4341 IVHD-valtrate

Mdm2; BCL; PARP; Caspase; p53 Apoptosis; Chromatin/Epigenetic; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Proteases/Proteasome
VHD-valtrate has anticancer effects against human ovarian cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, it is a potential therapeutic agent for ovarian cancer, providing a basis for development of the compound as a novel chemotherapeutic agent.
TN5428 4-Demethyltraxillaside


4-Demethyltraxillaside 是一种天然产物,可用于生命科学领域的相关研究。其产品编号为 TN5428,CAS号为 1691201-82-7。
T8803 Valtrate hydrine B4

Valtrate hydrine B4 是一种天然产物,可用于生命科学领域的相关研究。其产品编号为 T8803,CAS号为 18296-48-5。
T81225 Salicyloyltremuloidin

Salicyloyltremuloidin为从木瓜柳(Salix chaenomeloides)叶中分离得到的葡萄糖苷。
T2930 α-Lipoic Acid

Lipoic acid,Alphalipoic acid,硫辛酸

NF-κB; HIV Protease; Mitochondrial Metabolism; Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology; NF-κB; Proteases/Proteasome
α-Lipoic Acid (Alphalipoic acid) 抑制 NF-κB 依赖性 HIV-1 LTR 活化。 α-硫辛酸诱导内质网 (ER) 应激介导的肝癌细胞凋亡。α-硫辛酸是一种抗氧化剂,是线粒体酶复合物的重要辅助因子。
TN5880 Mesuol

Mesuol has antioxidant activity, it shows very high scavenging activity against DPPH radical; it also has immunomodulatory activity, can potentiate percentage neutrophil adhesion in neutrophil adhesion test in rats and phagocytosis in carbon clearance assay. Mesuol can suppress HIV-1 replication in Jurkat T cells, it inhibits TNFα-induced HIV-1-LTR transcriptional activity by targeting the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) pathway.
T72429 α-Lipoic Acid sodium

Thioctic acid sodium,DL-α-Lipoic acid sodium,Thioctic acid sodium ; (±)-α-Lipoic acid sodium ; DL-α-Lipoic acid sodium,(±)-α-Lipoic acid sodium

α-Lipoic Acid (Thioctic acid) sodium 是一种抗氧化剂,是线粒体酶复合物的重要辅助因子。α-Lipoic Acid sodium 可抑制NF-κB 依赖性的HIV-1LTR 活化。α-Lipoic Acid sodium 诱导内质网应激 (ERS) 介导的肝癌细胞凋亡 (apoptosis)。α-Lipoic Acid sodium 可与CPUL1 合成自组装的纳米聚合体 CPUL1-LA NA,其抗肿瘤效果优于 CPUL1。


α-Lipoic Acid
Cat.No: T0200
Synonym: Thioctic acid,DL-α-Lipoic acid,(±)-α-Lipoic acid,α-硫辛酸,硫辛酸
Target: Apoptosis, NF-κB, HIV Protease, Mitochondrial Metabolism, Endogenous Metabolite
Cat.No: TJP2872
Synonym: Acevaltratum,乙酰缬草三酯,Acetoxyvaltrate
Target: ATPase, Others
Cat.No: TN7080
Synonym: alpha-D-Altro-3-heptulofuranose,D-阿卓-呋喃庚酮糖
Target: Others
Cat.No: TN3844
Target: Calcium Channel
Chlorovaltrate K
Cat.No: TN3646
Target: Others
Cat.No: TN6571
Jatamanvaltrate B
Cat.No: TN4352
Target: Others
Volvaltrate B
Cat.No: TN5249
Target: Others
Cat.No: TN4341
Target: Mdm2, BCL, PARP, Caspase, p53
Cat.No: TN5428
Synonym: 5'-Methoxymatairesinoside,5'-甲氧基罗汉松脂苷
Valtrate hydrine B4
Cat.No: T8803
Cat.No: T81225
α-Lipoic Acid
Cat.No: T2930
Synonym: Lipoic acid,Alphalipoic acid,硫辛酸
Target: NF-κB, HIV Protease, Mitochondrial Metabolism, Endogenous Metabolite
Cat.No: TN5880
α-Lipoic Acid sodium
Cat.No: T72429
Synonym: Thioctic acid sodium,DL-α-Lipoic acid sodium,Thioctic acid sodium ; (±)-α-Lipoic acid sodium ; DL-α-Lipoic acid sodium,(±)-α-Lipoic acid sodium
Cat. No. Product Name Species Expression System
TMPY-05016 HHLA2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

HERV-H LTR-associating 2,HHLA2,B7-H7,B7H7

Human HEK293
B7H7 gene encodes a protein-ligand found on the surface of monocytes. The encoded protein is thought to regulate cell-mediated immunity by binding to a receptor on T lymphocytes and inhibiting the proliferation of these cells. Alternate splicing results in multiple transcript variants. HERV–H LTR-associating 2 (HHLA2, also called B7H7/B7-H5/B7y)has been recently discovered as the newest member of the B7 family and has 23–33% similarity in amino acid sequence with the other B7 molecules. This lig...
TMPY-06177 HHLA2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His), Biotinylated

B7-H7,B7H7,HHLA2,HERV-H LTR-associating 2

Human HEK293
B7H7 gene encodes a protein-ligand found on the surface of monocytes. The encoded protein is thought to regulate cell-mediated immunity by binding to a receptor on T lymphocytes and inhibiting the proliferation of these cells. Alternate splicing results in multiple transcript variants. HERV–H LTR-associating 2 (HHLA2, also called B7H7/B7-H5/B7y)has been recently discovered as the newest member of the B7 family and has 23–33% similarity in amino acid sequence with the other B7 molecules. This lig...
TMPY-00030 HHLA2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)

HERV-H LTR-associating 2,B7H7,B7-H7,HHLA2

Human HEK293
B7H7 gene encodes a protein-ligand found on the surface of monocytes. The encoded protein is thought to regulate cell-mediated immunity by binding to a receptor on T lymphocytes and inhibiting the proliferation of these cells. Alternate splicing results in multiple transcript variants. HERV–H LTR-associating 2 (HHLA2, also called B7H7/B7-H5/B7y)has been recently discovered as the newest member of the B7 family and has 23–33% similarity in amino acid sequence with the other B7 molecules. This lig...
TMPY-05693 SARS-CoV-2 Methyltransferase/ME Protein (His)

SARS-CoV-2 E. coli
Coronavirus encodes the 2’-O-MTase (2'O Methyltransferase) that is composed of the catalytic subunit nsp16 and the stimulatory subunit nsp10 and plays an important role in virus genome replication and evasion from innate immunity during viral infection. Nonstructural protein 16 (NSP16) / viral 2'O-methyltransferase (2'O-MTase) is highly conserved. The conserved 2'O-MTase activity is important for CoV pathogenesis and NSP16 is a conserved universal target for rapid live attenuated vaccine design ...
TMPH-03604 Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, Streptomyces hygroscopicus, Recombinant (His)

Streptomyces hygroscopicus E. coli
Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, Streptomyces hygroscopicus, Recombinant (His) is expressed in E. coli.
TMPH-03608 Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, S. viridochromogenes, Recombinant (His)

Streptomyces viridochromogenes Yeast
Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, S. viridochromogenes, Recombinant (His) is expressed in Yeast.
TMPJ-01429 SARS-CoV-2 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase Protein (His)

SARS-CoV 2 nsp14,Guanine-N7 methyltransferase,SARS-...

SARS-CoV-2 E. coli
The nonstructural protein (nsp) 14 of SARS-CoV 2 was identified as a cap (guanine-N7)-methyltransferase (N7-MTase). Nsp14 of coronaviruses two different activities: an exoribonuclease activity acting on both ssRNA and dsRNA in a 3' to 5' direction and a N7-guanine methyltransferase activity. It may be involved in the proof-reading ability during the viral RNA replication and transcription. GTP, dGTP as well as cap analogs GpppG, GpppA and m7GpppG could be methylated by nsp14.
TMPH-03749 CYSLTR1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1,G-protein coupled receptor ...

Human in vitro E. coli expression system
Receptor for cysteinyl leukotrienes mediating bronchoconstriction of individuals with and without asthma. Stimulation by LTD4 results in the contraction and proliferation of smooth muscle, edema, eosinophil migration and damage to the mucus layer in the lung. This response is mediated via a G-protein that activates a phosphatidylinositol-calcium second messenger system. The rank order of affinities for the leukotrienes is LTD4 >> LTE4 = LTC4 >> LTB4.
TMPH-00313 tRNA (guanine-N(7)-)-methyltransferase Protein, Brugia malayi, Recombinant (His)

Brugia malayi E. coli
Catalyzes the formation of N(7)-methylguanine at position 46 (m7G46) in tRNA.
TMPY-00279 Dengue virus DENV-2 (strain New Guinea C) NS5 (methyltransferase domain)/Nonstructural protein 5 Protein (His)

chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 8

DENV E. coli
TMPH-03600 Glucosyltransferase-SI Protein, S. mutans serotype c, Recombinant (His & Myc)

Streptococcus mutans E. coli
Production of extracellular glucans, that are thought to play a key role in the development of the dental plaque because of their ability to adhere to smooth surfaces and mediate the aggregation of bacterial cells and food debris.
TMPH-03609 Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, S. viridochromogenes, Recombinant (His & SUMO)

Streptomyces viridochromogenes E. coli
Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, S. viridochromogenes, Recombinant (His & SUMO) is expressed in E. coli.
TMPK-01263 B7-H7 Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His)

B7H7,B7-H7,HHLA2,B7 Homolog 7

Cynomolgus HEK293
B7-H7, also known as HHLA2 (HERV-H LTR-associating 2), is a member of the B7 family of immune regulatory proteins.Through interaction with TMIGD2, costimulates T-cells in the context of TCR-mediated activation. Enhances T-cell proliferation and cytokine production via an AKT-dependent signaling cascade.
TMPH-01235 APOBEC3A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO)

A3A,APOBEC3A,DNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3A,Phorbolin-1

Human E. coli
DNA deaminase (cytidine deaminase) with restriction activity against viruses, foreign DNA and mobility of retrotransposons. Exhibits antiviral activity against adeno-associated virus (AAV) and human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and may inhibit the mobility of LTR and non-LTR retrotransposons. Selectively targets single-stranded DNA and can deaminate both methylcytosine and cytosine in foreign DNA. Can induce somatic hypermutation in the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. May also play a rol...
TMPH-02201 TREX1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & MBP)

Human Baculovirus
Major cellular 3'-to-5' DNA exonuclease which digests single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) with mismatched 3' termini. Prevents cell-intrinsic initiation of autoimmunity. Acts by metabolizing DNA fragments from endogenous retroelements, including L1, LTR and SINE elements. Unless degraded, these DNA fragments accumulate in the cytosol and activate the IFN-stimulatory DNA (ISD) response and innate immune signaling. Prevents chronic ATM-dependent checkpoint activation, by pr...
TMPH-02930 TREX1 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His & Myc)

Mouse E. coli
Major cellular 3'-to-5' DNA exonuclease which digests single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) with mismatched 3' termini. Prevents cell-intrinsic initiation of autoimmunity. Acts by metabolizing DNA fragments from endogenous retroelements, including L1, LTR and SINE elements. Unless degraded, these DNA fragments accumulate in the cytosol and activate the IFN-stimulatory DNA (ISD) response and innate immune signaling. Prevents chronic ATM-dependent checkpoint activation, by pr...


HHLA2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-05016
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293
HHLA2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPY-06177
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293
HHLA2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)
Cat.No: TMPY-00030
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293
SARS-CoV-2 Methyltransferase/ME Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-05693
Species: SARS-CoV-2
Expression System: E. coli
Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, Streptomyces hygroscopicus, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-03604
Species: Streptomyces hygroscopicus
Expression System: E. coli
Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, S. viridochromogenes, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-03608
Species: Streptomyces viridochromogenes
Expression System: Yeast
SARS-CoV-2 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01429
Species: SARS-CoV-2
Expression System: E. coli
CYSLTR1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-03749
Species: Human
Expression System: in vitro E. coli expression system
tRNA (guanine-N(7)-)-methyltransferase Protein, Brugia malayi, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-00313
Species: Brugia malayi
Expression System: E. coli
Dengue virus DENV-2 (strain New Guinea C) NS5 (methyltransferase domain)/Nonstructural protein 5 Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-00279
Species: DENV
Expression System: E. coli
Glucosyltransferase-SI Protein, S. mutans serotype c, Recombinant (His & Myc)
Cat.No: TMPH-03600
Species: Streptococcus mutans
Expression System: E. coli
Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase Protein, S. viridochromogenes, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Cat.No: TMPH-03609
Species: Streptomyces viridochromogenes
Expression System: E. coli
B7-H7 Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-01263
Species: Cynomolgus
Expression System: HEK293
APOBEC3A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Cat.No: TMPH-01235
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
TREX1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & MBP)
Cat.No: TMPH-02201
Species: Human
Expression System: Baculovirus
TREX1 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His & Myc)
Cat.No: TMPH-02930
Species: Mouse
Expression System: E. coli
TargetMol Loading
