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抑制剂 & 化合物



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Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T11553 Heptamidine dimethanesulfonate

SBi4211 dimethanesulfonate

Others Others
Heptamidine dimethanesulfonate (SBi4211 dimethanesulfonate) 是一种与喷他脒有关的、强效的钙结合蛋白 S100B 的抑制剂 (Kd=6.9 μM),选择性地杀死表达 S100B 的黑素瘤细胞。它是有效的强直性肌营养不良 (DM) 研究工具。
T83739 Myr-Tat-CBD3 TFA

Myr-Tat-Calcium Channel-binding Domain 3,N-myristate-Tat-CBD3

Myr-Tat-CBD3是一种抑制N型电压门控钙通道Cav2.2与collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2)之间的蛋白-蛋白相互作用的抑制剂。在10 µM的浓度下,该化合物能够约81%地抑制Cav2.2-CRMP2相互作用,并在大鼠初级背根神经节(DRG)神经元中抑制钾诱导的钙流入(IC50约为2.8 µM)。在20 µM的浓度下,Myr-Tat-CBD3能抑制钙电流,但不影响钠电流,在初级DRG神经元中表现出这种特性。经过脊髓内给药,myr-Tat-CBD3(20 µg/5 µl)能够防止大鼠脚掌撤回潜伏期因carrageenan注射而减少。此外,Myr-Tat-CBD3减少大鼠因线索引起的寻求可卡因行为的复发。
T2530 Levosimendan


Potassium Channel; PDE; Carbonic Anhydrase; Autophagy Autophagy; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Levosimendan (OR1259) 是一种钙增敏剂,通过以钙依赖性方式与心肌肌钙蛋白 C 结合,增加肌细胞对钙的敏感性来发挥其作用,可治疗急性失代偿性充血性心力衰竭。
T29067L Upacicalcet HCl

Upacicalcet HCl(1333218-50-0 Free base)

CaSR GPCR/G Protein
Upacicalcet HCl 是一种静脉内拟钙剂,通过直接作用于甲状旁腺细胞膜钙敏感受体来抑制过量的甲状旁腺激素 (PTH) 分泌,从而降低血液中的 PTH 水平。Upacicalcet HCl 可用于治疗血液是一种新型继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进化合物,靶向钙敏感受体的氨基酸结合位点。
T4054 Dantrolene sodium hemiheptahydrate

Dantrolene sodium hydrate,Dantrolene sodium salt,Dantrium,丹曲林钠五水合物,Sodium dantrolene

Calcium Channel; Autophagy Autophagy; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Dantrolene sodium hemiheptahydrate (Sodium dantrolene) 是一种钙通道蛋白抑制剂, 抑制钙离子从肌浆释放, 它是一种乙内酰脲衍生物和直接作用的骨骼肌松弛剂。
T14688 BMS CCR2 22

CCR Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology
BMS CCR2 22 是一种有效的选择性 CC 型趋化因子受体2拮抗剂,钙通量 IC50为 18 nM,趋化性 IC50为1 nM,结合 IC50为5.1 nM。
TQ0067 GSK484 hydrochloride


PAD Chromatin/Epigenetic
GSK484 hydrochloride (GTPL8577) 是一种可逆的肽酰基精氨酸脱亚氨酶 4 (PAD4) 抑制剂。它高亲和力与 PAD4 结合,在存在 2 mM 钙和不存在钙的情况下,IC50分别为 250 和 50 nM。
TP1910L1 CALP1 acetate

CALP1 acetate(145224-99-3 free base)

CaMK Neuroscience
CALP1 acetate 是一种钙调蛋白 (CaM) 激动剂(Kd 为 88 µM),可与 CaM EF-hand/Ca2+ 结合位点结合。 CALP1 通过抑制钙通道的开放来阻断钙流入和细胞凋亡(IC50 为 44.78 µM)。 CALP1 阻断谷氨酸受体通道并阻断储存操作的非选择性阳离子通道。 CALP1 激活依赖于 CaM 的磷酸二酯酶活性。
T0806 Flunarizine dihydrochloride

Flunarizine 2HCl,KW-3149,R14950,盐酸氟桂利嗪

Calcium Channel; Dopamine Receptor; Sodium Channel GPCR/G Protein; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism; Neuroscience
Flunarizine dihydrochloride (R14950) 是 Na+/Ca2+(T 型) 通道双重阻滞剂。它也是 D2多巴胺受体拮抗剂。它具有用于扩张外周血管和预防偏头痛的潜力。
TP1926 WRW4 TFA(878557-55-2 free base)


Others Others
WRW4 TFA (878557-55-2 free base) 是一种特异性的甲酰肽受体样 1 (FPRL1) 拮抗剂,抑制 WKYMVm 与 FPRL1 的结合,IC50 为 0.23 μM。 WRW4 通过 FPRL1 激动剂 MMK-1、淀粉样蛋白 beta42 (Abeta42) 肽和 F 肽特异性抑制细胞内钙的增加。
T37807 JTV 519 fumarate

Ryanodine receptor (RyR) inhibitor; stabilizes RyR2 in a closed conformation. Exhibits antiarrhythmic and cardioprotective properties in vivo. Hunt et al (2007) K201 (JTV519) suppresses spontaneous Ca2+ release and [3H]ryanodine binding to RyR2 irrespective of FKBP12.6 association. Biochem.J. 404 431 PMID:17313373 |Chen et al (2008) Effect of K201, a novel antiarrhythmic drug on calcium handling and arrhythmogenic activity of pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes. Br.J.Pharmacol. 153 915 PMID:17994112 |...
T22530 6-Chloromelatonin

Melatonin Receptor; Dopamine Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
6-Chloromelatonin 是一种有效的褪黑素受体 (melatonin receptor) 激动剂,是一种5-甲氧基吲哚化合物,可竞争兔视网膜中相同的突触前褪黑激素受体位点 ,可抑制[3H]多巴胺的钙依赖性释放 具有比褪黑素更高的代谢稳定性。6-Chloromelatonin 竞争 [3H] 褪黑素 与 MT2 受体结合 (pKi=9.77),可能用于研究与抑郁症相关的失眠和睡眠障碍。
T3979 Emedastine


Histamine Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Immunology/Inflammation; Neuroscience
Emedastine (LY188695) 是一种可口服的,选择性和高亲和力的组胺 H1受体拮抗剂,Ki 值为 1.3 nM。它是苯并咪唑衍生物,可用于过敏性鼻炎、过敏性皮肤疾病和过敏性结膜炎的研究。
TP1559L Ziconotide Acetate (107452-89-1 free base)

醋酸齐考诺肽,Prialt,Ziconotide Acetate

Calcium Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Ziconotide Acetate (107452-89-1 free base) (Prialt) 是一种镇痛剂,已用于治疗神经性和非神经性疼痛。 Ziconotide 通过与位于伤害感受通路初级传入神经元末端部分的 N 型钙通道结合起作用,因此通过有效的镇痛作用减少突触传递。
T0267 Zonisamide

AD 810,唑尼沙胺,CI 912

Calcium Channel; Sodium Channel; Carbonic Anhydrase Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Zonisamide (AD 810) 是锌酶碳酸酐酶 (carbonic anhydrase) 的有效抑制剂,对人类线粒体同工酶 hCA II 和 hCA V 作用的 Ki 值分别为 35.2 nM 和 20.6 nM。Zonisamide 具有抗癫痫活性,在癫痫、癫痫发作和帕金森病的研究中具有价值。
T22794 G36


Estrogen Receptor/ERR Endocrinology/Hormones
G36是一种细胞可渗透的G 蛋白偶联雌激素受体(GPER/GPR30)的非甾体拮抗剂。G36抑制17β-雌二醇或GPER 选择性激动剂G-1的激活(IC50分别为112和165 nM)。G36对ERα或ERβ均无可检测的结合活性。G36通过GPER 阻断由雌激素触发的PI3K 的激活或钙动员,并且它通过雌激素或G-1而不是通过EGF 抑制ERK 的激活。
T36386 Rhod-2 (potassium salt)

Rhod-2 (potassium salt) is a water-soluble, red fluorescent calcium indicator. It exhibits a significant shift in fluorescence intensity upon calcium binding (ex max = 549 nm; calcium-free v. ex/em max = 552/581 nm; calcium-bound). Unlike the UV-excitable indicators fura-2 and indo-1 , there is no accompanying spectral shift.
T70036 AJG-049 HCl

AJG-049 HCl is a calcium channel antagonist that inhibits L-type Ca2+ channels via diltiazem-binding site(s).
T70037 AJG-049 free base

AJG-049 free base is a calcium channel antagonist that inhibits L-type Ca2+ channels via diltiazem-binding site(s).
T36387 Rhod-2 (sodium salt)

Rhod-2 (sodium salt) is a water-soluble, red fluorescent calcium indicator. It exhibits a significant shift in fluorescence intensity upon calcium binding (ex max = 549 nm; calcium-free v. ex/em max = 552/581 nm; calcium-bound). [1][2] Unlike the UV-excitable indicators fura-2 and indo-1 , there is no accompanying spectral shift.
TP1710 Calmodulin Binding Peptide 1

Calmodulin Binding Peptide 1, a potent CaM-binding peptide with picomolar (pM) affinity, originates from smooth muscle myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK peptide). It effectively blocks inositol trisphosphate (IP3)-induced calcium (Ca2+) release [1].
T32912 Lu49888 HCl

Azidopamil,LU49888,LU 49888,Ludopamil,LU-49888

LU 49888 is a photoaffinity analog of verapamil that has been used to identify specific binding sites for phenylalkylamines of calcium channels present in rabbit skeletal muscle microsomes.
T11553L Heptamidine


Others Others
Heptamidine is an effective Pentamidine-related inhibitor of the calcium-binding protein S100B (Kd: 6.9 μM). It selectively kills melanoma cells with S100B over those without S100B. It is a useful tool for the investigation of Myotonic dystrophy.
T28346 PD-217014 HCl

PD 217014,PD217014,PD-217,014,PD-217014

PD-217014 is a GABA analog. It inhibits (3)H-gabapentin binding to alpha(2)delta subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels in a concentration-dependent manner (K(i) = 18 nmol/l). PD-217014 possesses visceral analgesic activity.
T37317 Fluo-3 (sodium salt)

Fluo-3 is a fluorescent calcium indicator commonly used in flow cytometry and cell-based experiments to detect changes in intracellular calcium levels. Its absorption maximum at 506 nm makes it compatible with excitation at 488 nm by argon-ion laser sources. Fluo-3 provides intense fluorescence upon binding calcium, detected at a maximum emission at 526 nm which can be monitored by FL1 (green, 525 nm band pass) sensors in flow cytometry.
T35934 D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (potassium salt)

D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) is a second messenger produced in cells by phospholipase C (PLC) mediated hydrolysis of phosphatidyl inositol-4,5-biphosphate. It binds to one of several Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptors, each containing a calcium channel domain. Binding of Ins(1,4,5)P3 to the receptor results in opening of the calcium channels and an increase in intracellular calcium.
TD0050 Fluo-4, pentapotassium salt

Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations. Fluorescent probes that show spectral responses upon binding calcium have enabled researchers to investigate changes in intracellular free calcium concentrations by using fluorescence
T37316 Fluo-3 (potassium salt)

Fluo-3 (potassium salt) is a fluorescent calcium indicator commonly used in flow cytometry and cell-based experiments to detect changes in intracellular calcium levels. Its absorption maximum at 506 nm makes it compatible with excitation at 488 nm by argon-ion laser sources. Fluo-3 provides intense fluorescence upon binding calcium, detected at a maximum emission at 526 nm which can be monitored by FL1 (green, 525 nm band pass) sensors in flow cytometry.
TD0054 Fluo-3, pentaammonium salt

Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations. Fluorescent probes that show spectral responses upon binding calcium have enabled researchers to investigate changes in intracellular free calcium concentrations by using fluorescence
T18989 Fluo-3AM

Fluo-3-pentaacetoxymethyl ester

Others Others
Fluo-3AM is a calcium indicator that exhibits an increase in fluorescence upon binding Ca2+. It is used to image the spatial dynamics of Ca2+ signaling in flow cytometry experiments.
T37188 BTC AM

BTC AM is a cell-permeable acetoxy-methyl ester of BTC . As BTC AM enters cells, it is hydrolyzed by intracellular esterases to produce BTC. BTC is a low affinity calcium indicator (Kd = 7-26 μM) that displays excitation/emission spectra of 401/529 nm, respectively. It exhibits a shift in the excitation maximum from approximately 480 to 401 nm upon calcium binding, enabling determination of ratiometric calcium measurements. BTC is suitable for detecting elevated calcium levels associated with ac...
T75282 Oxytetracycline calcium

Oxytetracycline calcium 是一种属于四环素类的抗生素。Oxytetracycline calcium 强力抑制革兰氏阴性和革兰氏阳性细菌。Oxytetracycline calcium 是一种蛋白质合成抑制剂,可阻止 aminoacil-tRNA 与复杂的核糖体 RNA 结合。Oxytetracycline calcium 还具有抗HSV-1的活性。
TD0049 Fluo-4, pentasodium salt

Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations. Fluorescent probes that show spectral responses upon binding calcium have enabled researchers to investigate changes in intracellular free calcium concentrations by using fluorescence
TD0052 Fluo-3, pentasodium salt

Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations. Fluorescent probes that show spectral responses upon binding calcium have enabled researchers to investigate changes in intracellular free calcium concentrations by using fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence microplate readers. Fluo-3 and Fluo-4 are most commonly used among the visible light-excitable calcium indicators. Fluo-4 is an analog of fluo-3 with the two chlorine substi...
T37315 Fluo-3 (ammonium salt)

Fluo-3 (ammonium salt) is a fluorescent calcium indicator commonly used in flow cytometry and cell-based experiments to detect changes in intracellular calcium levels. [1] Its absorption maximum at 506 nm makes it compatible with excitation at 488 nm by argon-ion laser sources. Fluo-3 provides intense fluorescence upon binding calcium, detected at a maximum emission at 526 nm which can be monitored by FL1 (green, 525 nm band pass) sensors in flow cytometry.
TP1471 Ziconotide TFA (107452-89-1 free base)

Ziconotide TFA

Ziconotide TEA acts by binding to N-type calcium channels situated on the terminal part of primary afferent neurons of the nociceptive pathway therefore reducing synaptic transmission with potent antinociceptive effects.
TD0051 Fluo-4, pentaammonium salt

Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations. Fluorescent probes that show spectral responses upon binding calcium have enabled researchers to investigate changes in intracellular free calcium concentrations by using fluorescence
T13734 ILS-920

Others Others
ILS-920 is a Rapamycin analog characterized by diminished immunosuppressive effects but remarkable neuroprotective properties. It exhibits selective binding affinity towards the immunophilin FKBP52 as well as the β1-subunit of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC). ILS-920 displays a notable 200-fold preference for FKBP52 over FKBP12.
T63186 Cav 3.2 inhibitor 1

Cav 3.2 inhibitor 1为T型钙离子通道(calcium channel)抑制剂,其与多巴胺受体(D2 receptor)的结合亲和力较低,主要应用于研究身体和内脏疼痛。
T76663 pTH-Related Protein (1-40) (human, mouse, rat)

pTH-Related Protein (1-40) (human, mouse, rat) 促进大鼠肠细胞通过PTHR1受体和PKCα/β信号通路的钙吸收作用。该蛋白增加了甲状旁腺激素1受体(PTHR1)表达,提升了四种跨膜钙转运蛋白—TRPV6、CaBP-D9k、NCX1和PMCA1的水平。
TD0053 Fluo-3, pentapotassium salt

Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations. Fluorescent probes that show spectral responses upon binding calcium have enabled researchers to investigate changes in intracellular free calcium concentrations by using fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence microplate readers. Fluo-3 and Fluo-4 are most commonly used among the visible light-excitable calcium indicators. Fluo-4 is an analog of fluo-3 with the two chlorine substi...
T26865 BMS-933043


BMS-933043 is a Selective α7 nAChR partial agonist. BMS-933043 showed potent binding affinity to native rat (Ki = 3.3 nM) and recombinant human alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (Ki = 8.1 nM). BMS-933043 shows agonist activity in a calcium fluoresc
T28321 PD 122860


PD 122860 is a dihydropyridine with calcium channel blocking and sodium channel stimulating properties. In the rat heart, PD 122860 increased left ventricular contractility, decreased coronary resistance and altered the shape of the electrocardiogram T-wa
T61359 CXCR2 antagonist 6

CXCR2 antagonist 6 (compound 35c) 是一种有效的CXCR2拮抗剂。CXCR2 antagonist 6 显示出有效的CXCR2结合亲和力 (IC50=0.43 μM) 和钙动员 (IC50=0.11 μM)。
T70250 Demeclocycline calcium

Demeclocycline calcium is a semisynthetic tetracycline antibiotic which was derived from a strain of Streptomyces aureofaciens. Demeclocycline binds to bacterial 30S ribosomal subunit and prevents binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the mRNA-ribosome complex, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis. Demeclocycline also inhibits the effect of vasopressin on the renal tubules, thereby causing diuresis.
T61236 CXCR2 antagonist 7

CXCR2 antagonist 7 (compound 19) 是一种有效的CXCR2拮抗剂。CXCR2 antagonist 7 显示出有效的CXCR2结合亲和力 (IC50=0.044 μM) 和钙动员 (IC50=0.66 μM)。
T35935 D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate trisodium

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate trisodium,Ins(1,4,5)-P3 trisodium,D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (sodium salt),Ins(1,4,5)P3

Calcium Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate trisodium (Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate trisodium) 是由磷脂酶 C 介导的磷脂酰肌醇-4,5-二磷酸酯水解在细胞中产生的第二信使。D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (sodium salt)与 Ins(1,4,5)P3受体结合,会导致钙通道的打开和细胞内钙的增加。
T61235 CXCR2 antagonist 5

CXCR2 antagonist 5 (compound 25) 是一种有效的CXCR2拮抗剂。 CXCR2 antagonist 5 显示出有效的CXCR2结合亲和力 (IC50=0.013 μM) 和钙动员 (IC50=0.1 μM)。
T35936 D-myo-Inositol-1,4,6-triphosphate (sodium salt)

D-myo-Inositol-1,4,6-phosphate (Ins(1,4,6)-P3) is a member of the inositol phosphate (InsP) family that play critical roles as small, soluble second messengers in the transmission of cellular signals. The most studied InsP, Ins(1,4,5)-P3, is a second messenger produced in cells by phospholipase C (PLC)-mediated hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate. Binding of Ins(1,4,5)-P3 to its receptor on the endoplasmic reticulum results in opening of the calcium channels and an increase in int...
T76078 Neurogranin (48-76), mouse

Neurogranin (48-76),mouse 为对应 Neurogranin 48-76 残基的多肽。该化合物是突触后表达的钙调素结合蛋白,通过调节 (Ca2+-CaM) 通路,介导 NMDAR 驱动的突触可塑性功能。


Heptamidine dimethanesulfonate
Cat.No: T11553
Synonym: SBi4211 dimethanesulfonate
Target: Others
Myr-Tat-CBD3 TFA
Cat.No: T83739
Synonym: Myr-Tat-Calcium Channel-binding Domain 3,N-myristate-Tat-CBD3
Cat.No: T2530
Synonym: OR1259,OR1855,左西孟旦
Target: Potassium Channel, PDE, Carbonic Anhydrase, Autophagy
Upacicalcet HCl
Cat.No: T29067L
Synonym: Upacicalcet HCl(1333218-50-0 Free base)
Target: CaSR
Dantrolene sodium hemiheptahydrate
Cat.No: T4054
Synonym: Dantrolene sodium hydrate,Dantrolene sodium salt,Dantrium,丹曲林钠五水合物,Sodium dantrolene
Target: Calcium Channel, Autophagy
Cat.No: T14688
Target: CCR
GSK484 hydrochloride
Cat.No: TQ0067
Synonym: GTPL8577,AOB6992,GSK484盐酸盐
Target: PAD
CALP1 acetate
Cat.No: TP1910L1
Synonym: CALP1 acetate(145224-99-3 free base)
Target: CaMK
Flunarizine dihydrochloride
Cat.No: T0806
Synonym: Flunarizine 2HCl,KW-3149,R14950,盐酸氟桂利嗪
Target: Calcium Channel, Dopamine Receptor, Sodium Channel
WRW4 TFA(878557-55-2 free base)
Cat.No: TP1926
Synonym: WRW4
Target: Others
JTV 519 fumarate
Cat.No: T37807
Cat.No: T22530
Target: Melatonin Receptor, Dopamine Receptor
Cat.No: T3979
Synonym: LY188695,依美斯汀,Emadine
Target: Histamine Receptor
Ziconotide Acetate (107452-89-1 free base)
Cat.No: TP1559L
Synonym: 醋酸齐考诺肽,Prialt,Ziconotide Acetate
Target: Calcium Channel
Cat.No: T0267
Synonym: AD 810,唑尼沙胺,CI 912
Target: Calcium Channel, Sodium Channel, Carbonic Anhydrase
Cat.No: T22794
Synonym: G-36
Target: Estrogen Receptor/ERR
Rhod-2 (potassium salt)
Cat.No: T36386
AJG-049 HCl
Cat.No: T70036
AJG-049 free base
Cat.No: T70037
Rhod-2 (sodium salt)
Cat.No: T36387
Calmodulin Binding Peptide 1
Cat.No: TP1710
Lu49888 HCl
Cat.No: T32912
Synonym: Azidopamil,LU49888,LU 49888,Ludopamil,LU-49888
Cat.No: T11553L
Synonym: SBi4211
Target: Others
PD-217014 HCl
Cat.No: T28346
Synonym: PD 217014,PD217014,PD-217,014,PD-217014
Fluo-3 (sodium salt)
Cat.No: T37317
D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (potassium salt)
Cat.No: T35934
Fluo-4, pentapotassium salt
Cat.No: TD0050
Fluo-3 (potassium salt)
Cat.No: T37316
Fluo-3, pentaammonium salt
Cat.No: TD0054
Cat.No: T18989
Synonym: Fluo-3-pentaacetoxymethyl ester
Target: Others
Cat.No: T37188
Oxytetracycline calcium
Cat.No: T75282
Fluo-4, pentasodium salt
Cat.No: TD0049
Fluo-3, pentasodium salt
Cat.No: TD0052
Fluo-3 (ammonium salt)
Cat.No: T37315
Ziconotide TFA (107452-89-1 free base)
Cat.No: TP1471
Synonym: Ziconotide TFA
Fluo-4, pentaammonium salt
Cat.No: TD0051
Cat.No: T13734
Target: Others
Cav 3.2 inhibitor 1
Cat.No: T63186
pTH-Related Protein (1-40) (human, mouse, rat)
Cat.No: T76663
Fluo-3, pentapotassium salt
Cat.No: TD0053
Cat.No: T26865
Synonym: BMS933043
PD 122860
Cat.No: T28321
Synonym: PD-122860,PD122860
CXCR2 antagonist 6
Cat.No: T61359
Demeclocycline calcium
Cat.No: T70250
CXCR2 antagonist 7
Cat.No: T61236
D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate trisodium
Cat.No: T35935
Synonym: Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate trisodium,Ins(1,4,5)-P3 trisodium,D-myo-Inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (sodium salt),Ins(1,4,5)P3
Target: Calcium Channel
CXCR2 antagonist 5
Cat.No: T61235
D-myo-Inositol-1,4,6-triphosphate (sodium salt)
Cat.No: T35936
Neurogranin (48-76), mouse
Cat.No: T76078
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T5244 Aminomalonic acid

2-Aminopropanedioic Acid,氨基丙二酸,Aminomalonate

Others; Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism; Others
Aminomalonic acid (Aminomalonate) 是氨基内源性代谢产物,在体外能作为来源 Leukemia 5178Y/AR 和小鼠胰腺的 L- 天冬酰胺合成酶的高效抑制剂 (Leukemia 5178Y/AR:Ki= 0.0023 M,小鼠胰腺:Ki= 0.0015 M)。它有潜力用作区分黑素瘤转移的不同阶段生物标志物。
T7963 2,4-Dihydroxypyridine

Others Others
2,4-Dihydroxypyridine 是一种吡啶衍生物,作为螯合剂与金属离子结合并形成络合物。它被用作测定各种离子浓度的试剂,如钙、镁和磷酸盐;也用于测量酶催化反应的速率;还用于蛋白质、碳水化合物和其他生物分子的检测和定量。


Aminomalonic acid
Cat.No: T5244
Synonym: 2-Aminopropanedioic Acid,氨基丙二酸,Aminomalonate
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite
Cat.No: T7963
Target: Others
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