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抑制剂 & 化合物



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Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T21965 MBCQ

PDE Metabolism
MBCQ 是选择性 cGMP 特异性磷酸二酯酶 (PDE V; PDE5) 抑制剂,IC50=19 nM。它通过特异性抑制 cGMP-PDE 来扩张冠状动脉。它对其他 PDE 同工酶没有抑制活性,IC50均大于 100 µM。
T11339 Furegrelate sodium


PPAR DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Metabolism
Furegrelate sodium (U-63557A) 是口服有效的、血栓素合酶选择性抑制剂,抑制人血小板微粒体血栓素 A2 (TxA2) 合酶的 IC50为 15 nM。它正在开发作为抗血小板药物。
T22459 Xanthinol Nicotinate


Others Others
Xanthinol Nicotinate (Complamin) 是血管扩张剂,可直接作用于小动脉和毛细血管的平滑肌,能够扩大血管,改善血液流变学并降低外周血管阻力。
T8236 RHC 80267


Others; Phospholipase; COX; Acyltransferase; AChR Immunology/Inflammation; Metabolism; Neuroscience; Others
RHC 80267 (U-57908) 是一种选择性二酰基甘油脂酶(DAGL)抑制剂,对犬血小板的IC50为 4 μM。它抑制COX 活性和磷脂酰胆碱的水解,还抑制胆碱酯酶活性,IC50为 4 μM,增强乙酰胆碱引起的松弛。
T2441 TAS-301

TAS 301

PKC Chromatin/Epigenetic; Cytoskeletal Signaling
TAS-301 是一种平滑肌迁移和增殖抑制剂,能够抑制 PDGF 诱导的 PKC 的活化,可抑制大鼠颈动脉球囊损伤后的内膜增厚。
T14942 CGP48369

RAAS Endocrinology/Hormones
CGP48369 是一种有效的血管紧张素 II 受体 (angiotensin II receptor) 拮抗剂,具有降血压作用,可增强自发性高血压大鼠冠状动脉的内皮依赖性松弛。
T0362 Ticlopidine hydrochloride

Ticlodone,Ticlopidine HCl,Ticlodix,盐酸噻氯匹定

Adenosine Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
Ticlopidine hydrochloride (Ticlodix) 是一种 ADP 受体抑制剂,对血小板凝集的IC50为2 μM。
T16669 PRX-08066

5-HT Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
PRX-08066是5-HT 受体2B 拮抗剂,IC50为3.4 nM,可诱​​导肺动脉的选择性血管舒张。
T12478L Pinacidil

吡那地尔,S 1230,P 1134,S-1230,P-1134,P1134

Potassium Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel
Pinacidil (P 1134) 是钾通道的有效激活剂。Pinacidil 通过打开 K+-通道使血管平滑肌超极化,显示出抗高血压活性。它显著改善再灌注功能和心脏顺应性。它具有直接的心脏保护作用。
T3996 Dapiprazole Hydrochloride

盐酸达哌唑,Glamidolo Hydrochloride,Reversil Hydrochloride

Adrenergic Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
Dapiprazole Hydrochloride (Glamidolo Hydrochloride) 是 α-adrenergic 阻断剂的药物。
T7391 SAR407899

ROCK; Rho Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; Cytoskeletal Signaling; Stem Cells
SAR407899 是一种选择性的 ATP 竞争性ROCK 抑制剂,对ROCK-2的IC50值为 135 nM,对人和大鼠ROCK-2的Ki 值分别为 36 和 41 nM。它是 Rho 激酶抑制剂,有效抑制 endothelin-1 诱导的肾阻力动脉收缩。

Chloride channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel
MONNA 是 TMEM16A (Anoctamin-1)阻滞剂,IC50为 80 nM。它在氯离子存在或不存在的情况下诱导啮齿动物抵抗动脉的血管舒张。
T5458 Darusentan


Endothelin Receptor GPCR/G Protein
Darusentan (Lu-135252) 是内皮素受体 A (ET-A) 受体选择性拮抗剂,能够作用于 ET-A 受体(Ki:1.4 nM)及ET-B 受体(Ki:184 nM),对 ETA 受体的选择性大于 ETB 受体的100以上。它在大鼠主动脉血管平滑肌细胞膜中竞争结合放射性标记的内皮素(Ki:13 nM)。
T63349 Treprostinil diethanolamine


Prostaglandin Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Immunology/Inflammation
Treprostinil diethanolamine (UT-15C) 是EP2、DP1和IP 的有效激动剂,对EP2、DP1、IP、EP1、EP4、EP3 和 FPKi 的值分别为 3.6、4.4、32.1、212、826、2505 和 4680 nM。Treprostinil diethanolamine 能够促使 cAMP 的上调,进而维持血管系统内的稳态,并造成人肺动脉的血管扩张。
T24799 SKA-111

SKA 111,SKA111

Potassium Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel
SKA-111 是一种选择性钙离子激活的钾离子通道 (potassium phannel ) KCa3.1 激活剂,可引起猪内皮细胞膜超极化。SKA-111结合在CaM N-瓣和S4-S5接头之间的界面中,能够改善 Bradykinin 诱导的离体大鼠心脏的冠状动脉扩张,可用于研究心血管疾病。
T31615 Elsibucol

AGI-1096,UNII-O7T92N1Y8T,AGI 1096

Antioxidant oxidation-reduction
Elsibucol (AGI 1096) 是一种VCAM1抑制剂,可用于研究器官移植排斥。Elsibucol 是一种代谢稳定的丙醇衍生物,具有抗氧化、抗炎和抗增殖的特性。它能降低血液中的胆固醇水平,减少受伤动脉中的氧化应激和炎症反应,从而抑制动脉粥样硬化,保护动脉损伤后的内皮愈合。
T0957 Isradipine

PN 200-110,伊拉地平

Calcium Channel; Autophagy Autophagy; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Isradipine (PN 200-110) 是一种二氢吡啶类钙通道阻滞剂,具有抗高血压和血管扩张活性。它是一种具有口服活性的 L 型钙通道阻滞剂,也是一种潜在可行的帕金森病神经保护剂。
T1092 Zolmitriptan


5-HT Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
Zolmitriptan (311C90) 是一种5-HT1B/1D 受体部分激动剂,可用于偏头痛的研究,对 5-HT1B、5-HT1D、5-HT1F 受体的Ki 分别为 5.01、0.63 和 63.09 nM。
T1215 Nicardipine hydrochloride

盐酸尼卡地平,RS-69216,Nicardipine HCl,YC-93 Hydrochloride

Calcium Channel; Adrenergic Receptor; AChR; Autophagy Autophagy; GPCR/G Protein; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism; Neuroscience
Nicardipine hydrochloride (YC-93 Hydrochloride) 是一种钙通道阻滞剂,IC50为 1 μM。它可阻断某些细胞壁中的钙离子并抑制冠状动脉和外周动脉的收缩,从而降低对氧气的需求心肌和减少动脉收缩和痉挛。它在临床上用作脑和冠状血管扩张剂。
T1146 Nifedipine

BAY-a-1040,Procardia XL,Procardia,硝苯地平,Adalat

CaMK; Potassium Channel; Calcium Channel; Autophagy Autophagy; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism; Neuroscience
Nifedipine (Procardia) 是一种二氢吡啶类钙通道阻滞剂,可抑制细胞外钙离子跨膜流入心肌和血管平滑肌细胞,导致主要冠状动脉和全身动脉扩张,降低心肌收缩力。它常用于心肌功能不全的相关研究。
T9857 Vasopressin

antidiuretic hormone (ADH),argipressin,arginine vasopressin (AVP)

Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism
Vasopressin (argipressin) 是一种由下丘脑神经元合成的环状九肽,是肽原激素合成中的一种激素。Vasopressin 参与下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴调节过程,增加无溶质水从肾小管的滤液中重新吸收回循环中的量,收缩小动脉提高压强,增强促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子的刺激作用调节垂体促肾上腺皮质激素分泌。Vasopressin 在神经传导过程中可作为神经递质,与特定的 G 蛋白偶联受体结合发挥作用。
T5391L Bepridil free base

CERM1978,CERM 1978,Bepadin,CERM-1978,Angopril

Bepridil is a class IV anti-arrhythmic agent and calcium antagonist. Bepridil hydrochloride blocks calcium entry through membranous calcium channels of coronary and peripheral vascular smooth muscle, thereby dilating coronary arteries and peripheral arter
T38697 [Tyr(P)4] Angiotensin II

[Tyr(P)4] Angiotensin II is a peptide that exerts a multitude of effects on vascular smooth muscle. These effects include the contraction of normal arteries, as well as the induction of hypertrophy or hyperplasia in cultured cells or diseased vessels.
T24701 RA-2


RA-2 is a pan-negative-gating modulator of KCa2/3 channels that acts by inhibiting EDH-type relaxation in coronary arteries.
T25087 Angiopeptin

血管抑肽,D-Nal-cys-tyr-trp-lys-val-cys-thr-NH2,Bim 23014 C

Angiopeptin is a synthetic octapeptide analog of somatostatin; suppresses accelerated transplant atherosclerosis in rabbit heart arteries.
T28977 Tilisolol HCl

Tilisolol, trade name Selecal,N 696,N-696,N696

Tilisolol is a nonselective blocker of beta-adrenergic. Tilisolol hydrochloride dilates coronary arteries through an ATP-sensitive K(+)-channel opening mechanism in dogs.
T14036 3',4'-Dihydroxyflavonol


Others Others
3',4'-Dihydroxyflavonol (DiOHF) is an efficient antioxidant that diminishes superoxide levels and enhances nitric oxide (NO) functionality in the mesenteric arteries of diabetic rats[1].
TP1661 Angiotensin II (1-4), human TFA

Angiotensin II is a potent direct vasoconstrictor, causing arteries and veins to constrict, so leading to an increase in blood pressure.
T0112L Diltiazem

Diltiazem free base,Dilticard,地尔硫卓,CRD-401,CRD401,Dilzen,CRD 401

Diltiazem is a non-dihydropyridine (non-DHP) calcium channel blocker that relaxes the smooth muscle in arterial walls, thus opening (dilating) arteries, allowing easier blood flow, and lowering blood pressure, and is used to treat hypertension, angina pec
T40563 Sandaracopimaric acid

Sandaracopimaric acid is an anti-inflammatory diterpenoid compound that effectively reduces the contraction of phenylephrine-induced pulmonary arteries. With an EC50 of 43.93 μM, it exhibits noteworthy anti-inflammatory properties.
TP1224 [Sar1, Ile8]-Angiotensin II TFA

Angiotensin 2 TFA,AngiotensinII TFA

[Sar1, Ile8]-Angiotensin II (TFA) is a peptide compound that exerts various effects on vascular smooth muscle. These effects include the contraction of normal arteries as well as the hypertrophy or hyperplasia of cultured cells or diseased vessels.
T36063 N-desmethyl Zolmitriptan

N-desmethyl Zolmitriptan (DZT) is an active metabolite of the serotonin (5-HT) receptor subtype 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D agonist zolmitriptan . DZT is an agonist of 5-HT1B receptors that induces contraction of isolated human cerebral arteries (EC50 = 100 nM).
T38764 Amylin (8-37), human

Amylin (8-37), human, derived from human Amylin, possesses direct vasodilator effects in isolated mesenteric resistance arteries of rats. Human Amylin is a small pancreatic β-cell hormone that forms aggregates in the absence of insulin and is a key pathological feature of type II diabetes mellitus.
T69303 Isoxsuprine Free Base

Isoxsuprine Free Base is a beta-adrenergic agonist that causes direct relaxation of uterine and vascular smooth muscle. Its vasodilating actions are greater on the arteries supplying skeletal muscle than on those supplying skin. It is used in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease and in premature labor.
TP1609 Angiotensin II (1-4), human

Angiotensin II is a potent direct vasoconstrictor, causing arteries and veins to constrict, so leading to an increase in blood pressure. Angiotensin also potentiates the release of norepinephrine by a direct action on postganglionic sympathetic fibers.
T36562 (5Z,11Z,15R)-15-Hydroxyeicosa-5,11-dien-13-ynoic Acid

(5Z,11Z,15R)-15-Hydroxyeicosa-5,11-dien-13-ynoic acid is a stable isomer of 15(S)-HETE , a major arachidonic acid metabolite from the 15-lipoxygenase pathway. (5Z,11Z,15R)-15-Hydroxyeicosa-5,11-dien-13-ynoic acid elicits concentration-dependent contraction of isolated pulmonary arteries from rabbits and inhibits the proliferation and migration of hormone-independent prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells.
T36151 14,15-EE-8(Z)-E

Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), such as 11(12)-EET and 14(15)-EET, are cytochrome P450 metabolites of arachidonic acid that have been identified as endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factors with vasodilator activity. 14,15-EE-8(Z)-E is a structural analog of 14(15)-EET that demonstrates potent vasodilator agonist activity in bovine coronary arteries similar to that of 14(15)-EET.
T36544 Prostaglandin D1

Prostaglandin D1

Prostaglandin D1 是对离体人动脉具有收缩和舒张作用的一种前列腺素,能抑制 ADP 诱导的血小板聚集( IC50=320 ng/ml)。Prostaglandin D1 可用于代谢研究。
T39281 AM404

AM404 is a chemical compound that functions as an inhibitor of endocannabinoid reuptake. It effectively blocks the transport of anandamide, with IC50 values measured in the low micromolar range. Moreover, AM404 exhibits the ability to induce relaxation in rat isolated hepatic arteries contracted with Phenylephrine. This relaxation effect is quantified by a pEC50 value of 7.4 (corresponding to an EC50 of 0.04 μM). Additionally, AM404 possesses a neuroprotective effect.
T83164 Adrenomedullin (porcine)

Adrenomedullin(porcine)是一種多肽,具有调节血管舒张的功能。它在内皮依赖性条件下能诱导大鼠主动脉舒张,IC50为2.4 nM;在内皮非依赖性条件下则能诱导猪冠状动脉舒张,IC50为27.6 nM。
T83869 (±)16,17-EDT

(±)16,17-Epoxydocosatrienoic Acid,(±)-Dihomo-16,17-EET,(±)16,17-EpDoTrE

(±)16,17-EDT,一种经由细胞色素P450 (CYP) 途径形成的腺苷酸代谢物和氧脂肪酸,能够诱导分离的猪小动脉舒张(EC50 = 11 pM)。此外,(±)16,17-EDT 亦能促进以TP受体激动剂U-46619 预收缩的分离牛冠状动脉的松弛。
T36150 14,15-EE-5(Z)-E

Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), such as 11(12)-EET and 14(15)-EET, are cytochrome P450 metabolites of arachidonic acid that have been identified as endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factors with vasodilator activity. 14,15-EE-5(Z)-E is a structural analog of 14,15-epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (14,15-EET) that antagonizes EET-induced relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. Relaxation of U46619-constricted bovine arteries by 14,15-EET could be inhibited approximately 80% by 14,15-EE-5(Z)-E at a con...
T71211 Rizatriptan-d6 benzoate salt

Rizatriptan-d6 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of rizatriptan by GC- or LC-MS. Rizatriptan is an agonist of the serotonin receptor subtypes 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D. It is selective for 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors over 5-HT1A receptors. Rizatriptan induces vasoconstriction in isolated human middle meningeal arteries. In vivo, rizatriptan reduces head grooming, the number of oculotemporal strokes, eye blinking, and one-eye closures in a Cacna1a mutant transgenic mou...
T78096 BQ-3020 ammonium

Endothelin Receptor GPCR/G Protein
BQ-3020 ammonium 是一种内皮素受体(endothelin receptor)(ETB receptor) 激动剂。它在阻断[125I]ET-1与猪小脑ETB受体的结合实验中显示出IC50值为0.2 nM。此外,BQ-3020 ammonium能够引致兔肺动脉血管收缩以及猪膀胱颈的松弛,因此可作为心血管疾病研究的工具。
T35464 (±)14(15)-EET-SI

Arachidonic acid is metabolized in the vascular endothelium to epoxytrienoic acids (EETs or EpETrEs) by cytochrome P450 enzymes. The EETs are released in response to acetylcholine, bradykinin, arachidonic acid, or cyclic stretch. (±)14(15)-EET-SI is the methyl sulfonamide analog of 14(15)-EET. This substitution results in a metabolically more stable compound because it is not sensitive to β-oxidation or membrane esterification. (±)14(15)-EET-SI is equipotent to 14(15)-EET in vascular agonist act...
T36557 (±)8(9)-EE-14(Z)-E

(±)14(15)-EE-8(Z)-E is a potent vasodilator in bovine coronary arteries. The synthesis of this analog involves the formation of the epoxide at the 14,15-double bond, however, epoxidation can also occur at the 8,9-double bond. (±)8(9)-EE-14(Z)-E is a minor product from the synthesis of (±)14(15)-EE-8(Z)-E. This compound has not been reported in the literature, and its biological activity is not known. It may serve as a tool to verify that the parent compound, (±)14(15)-EE-8(Z)-E, is pure and does...
T35468 (±)19(20)-EDP Ethanolamide

(±)19(20)-EDP ethanolamide is an ω-3 endocannabinoid epoxide and cannabinoid (CB) receptor agonist (EC50s = 108 and 280 nM for CB1 and CB2, respectively). It is produced through direct epoxygenation of docosahexaenoyl ethanolamide by cytochrome P450 (CYP) epoxygenases. (±)19(20)-EDP ethanolamide (25 μM) reduces the viability of 143B metastatic osteosarcoma cells. It decreases the production of IL-6 and increases the production of IL-10 when used at concentrations ranging from 2.5 to 10 μM in BV-...
T36531 PAR2 (1-6) (mouse, rat)

PAR2 (1-6) (mouse, rat)

PAR2 (1-6) is a synthetic peptide agonist of proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) that corresponds to residues 1-6 of the amino terminal tethered ligand sequence of mouse and rat PAR2. It also corresponds to residues 39-44 and 37-42 of the mouse and rat full-length sequences, respectively. PAR2 (1-6) induces relaxation in precontracted rat arteries in a concentration-dependent manner, an effect that can be reduced by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NNA . It inhibits keratinocyte growth i...
T83868 (±)13,14-EDT

(±)13,14-Epoxydocosatrienoic Acid,(±)13,14-EpDoTrE,(±)-Dihomo-13,14-EET

(±)13,14-EDT是一种氧脂和腎上腺酸的代谢产物,通过细胞色素P450(CYP)途径形成。在50 nM的浓度下,它能激活分离的大鼠冠状小动脉平滑肌细胞中的大导电钙激活钾通道(KCa1.1/BK),并导致分离的猪小动脉扩张(EC50 = 12 pM)。(±)13,14-EDT还能使用TP受体激动剂U-46619预收缩的分离牛冠状动脉放松。
T83840 Uridine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) sodium


Uridine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (UTP-γ-S) 是UTP的一种抗水解衍生物,是嘌呤P2Y2受体的激动剂。在表达人类P2Y2受体的1321N1星形胶质瘤细胞中,其可诱导肌醇磷酸盐的形成(EC50 = 240 nM),并且在来自囊性纤维化患者的原代鼻上皮细胞中以浓度依赖的方式诱导氯离子分泌。UTP-γ-S在分离的人类冠状动脉中诱导血管收缩(EC50 = 25.1 µM)。


Cat.No: T21965
Target: PDE
Furegrelate sodium
Cat.No: T11339
Synonym: U-63557A
Target: PPAR
Xanthinol Nicotinate
Cat.No: T22459
Synonym: Angioamin,烟酸占替诺,Complamin
Target: Others
RHC 80267
Cat.No: T8236
Synonym: U-57908
Target: Others, Phospholipase, COX, Acyltransferase, AChR
Cat.No: T2441
Synonym: TAS 301
Target: PKC
Cat.No: T14942
Target: RAAS
Ticlopidine hydrochloride
Cat.No: T0362
Synonym: Ticlodone,Ticlopidine HCl,Ticlodix,盐酸噻氯匹定
Target: Adenosine Receptor
Cat.No: T16669
Target: 5-HT Receptor
Cat.No: T12478L
Synonym: 吡那地尔,S 1230,P 1134,S-1230,P-1134,P1134
Target: Potassium Channel
Dapiprazole Hydrochloride
Cat.No: T3996
Synonym: 盐酸达哌唑,Glamidolo Hydrochloride,Reversil Hydrochloride
Target: Adrenergic Receptor
Cat.No: T7391
Target: ROCK, Rho
Cat.No: T8960
Target: Chloride channel
Cat.No: T5458
Synonym: Lu-135252,达卢生坦
Target: Endothelin Receptor
Treprostinil diethanolamine
Cat.No: T63349
Synonym: UT-15C
Target: Prostaglandin Receptor
Cat.No: T24799
Synonym: SKA 111,SKA111
Target: Potassium Channel
Cat.No: T31615
Synonym: AGI-1096,UNII-O7T92N1Y8T,AGI 1096
Target: Antioxidant
Cat.No: T0957
Synonym: PN 200-110,伊拉地平
Target: Calcium Channel, Autophagy
Cat.No: T1092
Synonym: 佐米曲普坦,311C90,BW-311C90
Target: 5-HT Receptor
Nicardipine hydrochloride
Cat.No: T1215
Synonym: 盐酸尼卡地平,RS-69216,Nicardipine HCl,YC-93 Hydrochloride
Target: Calcium Channel, Adrenergic Receptor, AChR, Autophagy
Cat.No: T1146
Synonym: BAY-a-1040,Procardia XL,Procardia,硝苯地平,Adalat
Target: CaMK, Potassium Channel, Calcium Channel, Autophagy
Cat.No: T9857
Synonym: antidiuretic hormone (ADH),argipressin,arginine vasopressin (AVP)
Target: Endogenous Metabolite
Bepridil free base
Cat.No: T5391L
Synonym: CERM1978,CERM 1978,Bepadin,CERM-1978,Angopril
[Tyr(P)4] Angiotensin II
Cat.No: T38697
Cat.No: T24701
Synonym: RA2
Cat.No: T25087
Synonym: 血管抑肽,D-Nal-cys-tyr-trp-lys-val-cys-thr-NH2,Bim 23014 C
Tilisolol HCl
Cat.No: T28977
Synonym: Tilisolol, trade name Selecal,N 696,N-696,N696
Cat.No: T14036
Synonym: DiOHF
Target: Others
Angiotensin II (1-4), human TFA
Cat.No: TP1661
Cat.No: T0112L
Synonym: Diltiazem free base,Dilticard,地尔硫卓,CRD-401,CRD401,Dilzen,CRD 401
Sandaracopimaric acid
Cat.No: T40563
[Sar1, Ile8]-Angiotensin II TFA
Cat.No: TP1224
Synonym: Angiotensin 2 TFA,AngiotensinII TFA
N-desmethyl Zolmitriptan
Cat.No: T36063
Amylin (8-37), human
Cat.No: T38764
Isoxsuprine Free Base
Cat.No: T69303
Angiotensin II (1-4), human
Cat.No: TP1609
(5Z,11Z,15R)-15-Hydroxyeicosa-5,11-dien-13-ynoic Acid
Cat.No: T36562
Cat.No: T36151
Prostaglandin D1
Cat.No: T36544
Synonym: Prostaglandin D1
Cat.No: T39281
Adrenomedullin (porcine)
Cat.No: T83164
Cat.No: T83869
Synonym: (±)16,17-Epoxydocosatrienoic Acid,(±)-Dihomo-16,17-EET,(±)16,17-EpDoTrE
Cat.No: T36150
Rizatriptan-d6 benzoate salt
Cat.No: T71211
BQ-3020 ammonium
Cat.No: T78096
Target: Endothelin Receptor
Cat.No: T35464
Cat.No: T36557
(±)19(20)-EDP Ethanolamide
Cat.No: T35468
PAR2 (1-6) (mouse, rat)
Cat.No: T36531
Synonym: PAR2 (1-6) (mouse, rat)
Cat.No: T83868
Synonym: (±)13,14-Epoxydocosatrienoic Acid,(±)13,14-EpDoTrE,(±)-Dihomo-13,14-EET
Uridine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) sodium
Cat.No: T83840
Synonym: UTP-γ-S
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T2946 Tanshinone IIA sulfonate sodium

丹参酮IIA磺酸盐,丹参酮IIA-磺酸钠,Tanshinone IIA sulfonate,Sodium Tanshinone IIA sulfonate,Tanshinone IIA sodium sulfonate,sodium

CaMK; P450; Calcium Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism; Neuroscience
Tanshinone IIA sulfonate sodium (Tanshinone IIA sodium sulfonate) 是从丹参中提取的丹参酮IIA 的水溶性衍生物,是SOCE 抑制剂,用于心血管疾病的研究。
T5074 Cholesteryl palmitate

Others; Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism; Others
Cholesteryl palmitate 是一种慢性间质性肺炎的有用预后生物标志物。
T6535 Histamine Phosphate

组胺磷酸盐,Histamine diphosphate,二磷酸组胺,Histamine acid phosphate

Histamine Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Immunology/Inflammation; Neuroscience
Histamine Phosphate (Histamine acid phosphate) 是组胺受体的强激活剂和血管扩张神经剂,可激活一氧化氮合成酶。
T38250 L-Sepiapterin

L-Sepiapterin, also known as Sepiapterin, is a precursor compound crucial for the production of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), which serves as a coenzyme for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). This compound demonstrates its efficacy by improving endothelial dysfunction in small mesenteric arteries from db/db mice and promoting angiogenesis. Moreover, L-Sepiapterin exerts inhibitory effects on cellular proliferation and migration in ovarian cancer cells through the down-regulation of p70S6K-de...


Tanshinone IIA sulfonate sodium
Cat.No: T2946
Synonym: 丹参酮IIA磺酸盐,丹参酮IIA-磺酸钠,Tanshinone IIA sulfonate,Sodium Tanshinone IIA sulfonate,Tanshinone IIA sodium sulfonate,sodium
Target: CaMK, P450, Calcium Channel
Cholesteryl palmitate
Cat.No: T5074
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite
Histamine Phosphate
Cat.No: T6535
Synonym: 组胺磷酸盐,Histamine diphosphate,二磷酸组胺,Histamine acid phosphate
Target: Histamine Receptor
Cat.No: T38250
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