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BTC Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

产品编号 TMPJ-00058
别名 βcellulin, isoform CRA_a, Btc, Betacellulin, mCG_12529

Mouse Betacellulin is a single type I membrane protein which belongs to the EGF family of cytokines. EGF family has many members including EGF, TGF-a, Amphiregulin, HB-EGF, Epiregulin, Tomoregulin and the Neuregulins. Betacellulin is characterised by a six-cysteine consensus motif that forms three intra-molecular disulfide bonds crucial for binding the ErbB receptor family. Betacellulin is expressed in several tissues and tumor cells including kidney, uterus, liver, pancreas and small intestine. Betacellulin binds and activates ErbB-1 and ErbB-4 homodimers. Betacellulin is thought to play a role in the differentiation of pancreatic beta cells.Human and mouse mature BTC protein are 80% identical at the amino acid sequence level. Betacellulin is involved in many biological processes such as stimulating gastrointestinal growth. It is proteolytically processed from a larger membrane-anchored precursor and is a potent mitogen for a wide variety of cell types.

BTC Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

BTC Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

产品编号 TMPJ-00058别名 βcellulin, isoform CRA_a, Btc, Betacellulin, mCG_12529

Mouse Betacellulin is a single type I membrane protein which belongs to the EGF family of cytokines. EGF family has many members including EGF, TGF-a, Amphiregulin, HB-EGF, Epiregulin, Tomoregulin and the Neuregulins. Betacellulin is characterised by a six-cysteine consensus motif that forms three intra-molecular disulfide bonds crucial for binding the ErbB receptor family. Betacellulin is expressed in several tissues and tumor cells including kidney, uterus, liver, pancreas and small intestine. Betacellulin binds and activates ErbB-1 and ErbB-4 homodimers. Betacellulin is thought to play a role in the differentiation of pancreatic beta cells.Human and mouse mature BTC protein are 80% identical at the amino acid sequence level. Betacellulin is involved in many biological processes such as stimulating gastrointestinal growth. It is proteolytically processed from a larger membrane-anchored precursor and is a potent mitogen for a wide variety of cell types.

10 μg¥ 8205日内发货
50 μg¥ 2,4805日内发货
500 μg¥ 12,1005日内发货
1 mg¥ 17,4005日内发货
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Mouse Betacellulin is a single type I membrane protein which belongs to the EGF family of cytokines. EGF family has many members including EGF, TGF-a, Amphiregulin, HB-EGF, Epiregulin, Tomoregulin and the Neuregulins. Betacellulin is characterised by a six-cysteine consensus motif that forms three intra-molecular disulfide bonds crucial for binding the ErbB receptor family. Betacellulin is expressed in several tissues and tumor cells including kidney, uterus, liver, pancreas and small intestine. Betacellulin binds and activates ErbB-1 and ErbB-4 homodimers. Betacellulin is thought to play a role in the differentiation of pancreatic beta cells.Human and mouse mature BTC protein are 80% identical at the amino acid sequence level. Betacellulin is involved in many biological processes such as stimulating gastrointestinal growth. It is proteolytically processed from a larger membrane-anchored precursor and is a potent mitogen for a wide variety of cell types.
别名βcellulin, isoform CRA_a, Btc, Betacellulin, mCG_12529
分子量16 KDa (reducing condition)
存储Shipping with blue ice.


  • 摩尔浓度 计算器
  • 稀释 计算器
  • 配液 计算器
  • 分子量 计算器


TargetMol | Animal experiments比如您的给药剂量是 10 mg/kg ,每只动物体重 20 g ,给药体积 100 μLTargetMol | Animal experiments 一共给药动物 10 只 ,您使用的配方为 5% TargetMol | reagent DMSO+ 30%PEG300+ 5%Tween 80 + 60% ddH2O. 那么您的工作液浓度为 2 mg/mL
母液配置方法: 2 mg 药物溶于 50 μLDMSOTargetMol | reagent ( 母液浓度为 40 mg/mL ), 如您需要配置的浓度超过该产品的溶解度,请先与我们联系。
体内配方的制备方法:50μLDMSOTargetMol | reagent 母液,添加 300 μLPEG300TargetMol | reagent 混匀澄清,再加 50μLTween 80, 混匀澄清,再加 600μLddH2OTargetMol | reagent 混匀澄清


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2 请输入动物体内配方组成,不同的产品配方组成不同,如有配方需求,可先联系我们提供正确的体内配方。
%Tween 80


对于不同动物的给药剂量换算,您也可以参考 更多
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